Saturday, February 6, 2010

Checking in

Oh blog, oh blog, you are so neglected.

Colds, altered schedules (temporary 5 day work weeks, a switch in daycare days this week) and February in Minnesota. Those are my excuses. Sometimes you just gotta space out. The moments of looking at the kids and smiling or just watching them are no less frequent. I just haven't had the energy or ambition (Clean those dishes! Wash those clothes! Clean that filthy floor - why do you two insist on throwing your sippy cups on the floor when you're done (for the moment)? And the food you may or may not want?). Oh well. It is what it is. Having a spic and span house isn't in the cards (and I can't say it was when you two weren't around either!).

It's amazing how much these two are changing. Zoe is obsessed with "Melmo". She hands us the books with Melmo. She points him out if she sees him anywhere. She's even warmed up to the tickle me Elmo. Sheer terror has been replaced by cautious, personal space friendly smiles (thumb in mouth). They are both developing a vocabulary. Roman and his "fish". Zoe and her "baby". Today she was saying it amazingly well, not just bay-bay but bay-bee.

Today we went to a small home show (contractors and the like) at the horse track. It's a wee bit chilly for the horses to be racing, but not for remodeling vendors to be asking you to sign up for their raffle. "We're giving away $10,000 worth of ______. Just fill out the form...." No thanks. We did however stop at a booth that had some nifty vinyl wall decals. The cartoon animals caught my eye, but it was another product that we ordered. More on that later. Looks like we've got a project for the playroom.

We then went to Eden Prairie Mall. That was fun. We made use of our new (woo hoo) stroller. Fully functional and with some nice features. We were there for several hours. I'm not really a mall person, but for some reason this mall held my interest more. Maybe because it has different stores than other malls (including a Von Maur - I've never seen that before) and a Target is attached to the mall. Family friendly (play area, restrooms for the family...). We'll be going back.

My view from the front seat on the way out of the driveway this morning.

Roman's got the fleece tie blanket I made. A small version - an attempt to wrangle from them the bigger blankets they like to drag around the house with them and don't like to trip over (but do). Zoe isn't going for it. Neither is Roman.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Sometimes you just gotta space out." And, "That's the Truth" as 'Edith Ann' would say! Do it girl! Enjoyed the 'view from the front seat backward!' Delightful!