Thursday, February 18, 2010

Twin Cities 500?

Daddy spent Valentine's Day watching the Daytona 500 (boy that went on forever!).
The kids made their own race. Although I'm not so sure they're ready...

Riding side-saddle isn't exactly what the big boys do...

That blanket might be comforting, but you with all the distracted driving issues we've got these days...

Keep your eyes on the road, mister!

There you go, Zo!

Hey - no fiddling with the siren!


Anonymous said...

Ken is a race fan, too, but I prefer "The Twin Cities 500!" :-)
Smiles, annie

Unknown said...

is that Roman's new "Mohawk"?

TOO flippin cute they are!

Lots of Luv!!<3

Aunt Barb!