Sunday, May 16, 2010

Monty Hall stopped by and asked us if we wanted what was behind curtain #1

I'm not sure when this plan came about (maybe the week the siding went on sale and your Dad hatched a plan to re-style our facade?), but we are mid-way thru a major project. In house, so to speak. Your dad has taken it on to re-side our house and enlisted the help of a couple of friends. Holy cow, such friends who'll help tackle this one. Thanks Kitty and Mike M!

The day your Dad and Kitty started taking down the existing siding it started to rain. And rained all day. Bad. For some reason we had purchased a huge (and I mean huge) tarp some time back - it covers the whole back side of the house and more.

The next three days have been good...Tonight we have 3 walls protected from any rain that may come our way. Hopefully tomorrow all 4 will be covered! (so far, the coast is clear). Mike and Mike worked hard this weekend and got a lot done, including some outside power in the front of the house. Woo hoo.

Meanwhile I was gallivanting around town with the kids... I find I don't do well cooped up in the house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

***Meanwhile I was gallivanting around town with the kids***
We've long had a saying: "It's a 'hard' job but somebody has to do it!" :-) 'Gallivanting' fits in 'the category!' :-) annie