Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You two....U2?!

I came home from work last Thursday to find my little munchkins wearing identical white t-shirts.
This is the day Grandma Candy comes over to watch you. I kind of sensed something was up. Normally I hear Grandma ask you guys "who's here?" as I walk in the back door. Then the little footsteps start approaching and I get a big smile and a big hug. This time I heard "just stay here a minute".
Antennae up.
They greeted me in the hallway. I could sense Mike and Grandma waiting for me to pick up on what was going on. I looked at the back of the shirts.

My Mom has U2 tickets!!

Shirts by dad, tickets courtesy of Grandma Candy.
Woo hoo hoo!!
My first concert ever was the 1987 Joshua Tree Tour. 4th row at the Civic Center in St Paul. I was a member of the U2 fan club and got the tickets thru the club. Yeah, I know. Although I see they do a similar thing now with their online site...

Anyway. Not only are these U2 tickets, but they are GOOD U2 tickets. 4th row again (slightly different set up, but still really close).
Woo diddly hoo! :)

I'm excited.
Thanks Grandma Candy!

1 comment:

Jane said...

You are not only lucky to have U2 tickets, you are extremely lucky to have such a good mother-in-law and not just because she bought you U2 tickets. I had a great mother-in-law too.