Saturday, May 22, 2010

Not today

But what fun we had on Wednesday.

Probably my favorite part was the time I spent listening to Zoe and Roman say "are you?" while they lie on their bellies looking for buggies. I'm not sure how "bug" became "buggies", but it has. And I think Zoe said something about a buggie and I said "Buggies, where are you?". That got them going on the "are you?"...

They are both very observant of their world. The other morning they were eating breakfast in the kitchen, the windows were open and all of a sudden Roman announces "Bus" with a look that was asking for confirmation. I had to pause, and sure enough in the recall of my 5 second memory I did realize that it was a bus that went by. But I wouldn't have registered it if he hadn't said something.

It's funny how you learn to tune out noises.(or don't - I'm sure you'll learn soon enough to daddy's aversion to chewing sounds...weirdo...:) ) Since we have transportation announcements I am more cognizant of the activity going on all around us. Maybe that's part of what's interesting (and increasingly exhausting) about raising kids. You get to see it from a fresh perspective. I'm sure the buses come by every 20 minutes (in and out), but I don't notice anymore. Same with the planes. Planes are announced as well, even in the middle of bathtime! "Pane" (with finger pointing to the sky).

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