Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day out with Thomas

When I think of Thomas the Tank Engine, I usually think of your cousin (my nephew) Zach. He's newly graduated from high school, but when he was little he was very much into Thomas and all his friends. He had a collection of figures, and I think I've said it before but I was amazed at how easily your uncle Dan could name them all. I certainly can't (ask me about the major Cars characters, though), but I  can appreciate it.  So when the Day out with Thomas came across on a half price deal, I grabbed it.

 True, we had to drive 2 hours to Duluth to get to him, but to see a life sized Thomas was pretty cool. He actually took us along Lake Superior a bit, so after our ride we went to the section of the Lakewalk where we knew Thomas would make an appearance. You know, this is actually all we would have needed to do - you get to see him in action!

And we got to see another train - the more regular excursion that leaves from the train museum as well. That was pretty awesome too.

You two weren't going to go stand by Thomas by yourself, but did oblige the obligatory pose. Ro's with Uncle Dave, who came along. Your Daddy was in the midst of a crazy work week and couldn't make it.

And even Thomas' playful "toot toot" was a bit much for little ears.

When Thomas pulled in from his previous ride, he wiggled his eyes. Amazing how much life that brings to him!

The train ride was fun too. I think we're up for just about ANY excursion. This is something I'd been wanting to do anyway. We still might do one here in town...

Who's that rowdy kid?

Good Times.

And a bit of a lake view - although I'd have to say 2/3 of the ride was looking at parking lots filled with Blues Fest-goers cars and cement barriers and structures for the highway.

Oh well. The lake is worth it. There's something about it. I love it.  There were some activities scattered throughout the Train Museum where this took place. I have to say  that I realized how spoiled we've become. Standing out in a gravel parking lot under the highway lacked the prettied up atmospheres I think we've become used to. That, or your Dad's influence has worn off on me. A few banners don't a exhibition make. But I digress.

Blue Sand? Why not. It sure is colorful :)

And what kid activity would be complete without a tattoo?! Roman couldn't be pulled away from the sand and train tables, but Zoe was all in on that one. Even got a girl train. How do we know it's a girl? She was purple. Don't tell that to the Vikings ;)

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