Monday, August 8, 2011


As I was driving home today I realized my zeal for summer fun has been renewed. The calendar tells me that it's almost over. Those lolly-gagging days of July are done. Now it's time to get out there and enjoy what's left.

 This is one of those weeks where your Dad is working crazy hours, so I had to take a few hours off work to pick you up at daycare.  Why not roll right into beach time?

 Hint: 5 o'clock in early August is a good time to have the beach to yourself.

We had gone here (Elm Creek in Maple Grove) last week to meet up with Ms. Frankie and her gang (thanks Becca - great idea!) and bought the summer long pass.

If we used it twice it more than paid for itself. We've now used it twice.
It's one of those things you wonder why you hadn't done before now. Well, maybe I know. We attempted this on the 4th of July. A Monday. Packed and crazy. That's no fun. My tolerance for crowds has taken a nose dive.  Less crowds, more space. More space, larger confines in which to be a toddler.

 And such nice red umbrellas! :)

p.s. Your Grandpa Jon posted this picture recently. See, I too enjoyed the pool (and Mickey Mouse it seems, by the ball). I remember spending lots of time in this neighborhood pool when I was little. It was only a couple of feet deep and perfect for the city kid without air conditioning (I know...GASP).

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