Wednesday, November 16, 2011


So I'm in the kitchen intently reading some oh so important label, all the while a little boy is at my side chattering away. Suddenly I realize he just said "say something to me Mommy" and he's looking up at me for a response. That registered and warranted a smile, a pat on the head, a hug and a smackeroo.

In the car today I was talking to Grandma Jane on the phone. It only took about a minute into the conversation before I heard from the back seat "Who are you talking to?". I answered Grandma Jane and that seemed to satisfy Zoe's curiosity. Gotta know what's going on. And it's kind of funny. I've been thinking lately about how every action on your part in the first year (or 3) was cause for celebration. And the need to blog about it.  And somehow we're now at the point where you're taking part in on our conversations and our actions. [Putting a quarter in the cart at Aldi is a looked-forward-to task for you 2!] It's rather mind blowing how fast this happens. Not that I'm going to say it seems like just yesterday that you were a baby. Not really. But still. And it's not that you are less interesting, it's just that we're more exhausted! It's just a bad time of year for free time. But we'll do what we can.

I'm not exactly sure how we got from September to November though. Zoom.

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