Tuesday, January 3, 2012

more from Dick's

He misses prison food

He begged daily to run away from home.
Talk is cheap...

..and so am I


a new hairdo

Not a good picture, but aunt mandy was festooned with straws and umbrellas.

You guys had a good time with your family. 
Zo and Ro were pretending to be Jared and Amanda for the next couple of weeks. "I'm Jared" and "I'm Amanda". Now if I could only say they'd then do something really embarrassing.... Well they do, but only under cover of their real names...By the way after a couple more restaurant visits following this we decided no more with the kiddos. This time was okay, but usually when it's just the four of us it's total chaos. It was easy for a long time, but now, well now not so much. "No! don't play with the salt/the sugar/the ketchup!". "Put your shoes on!" "get your feet off the table" "quit blowing bubbles in your milk" "please sit still"  "please eat your carrots" "french fries DO NOT belong in your nose" 

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