Sunday, August 30, 2009

we're back

Apparently it's been a week since I posted. I had pictures in the queue....but a little too harried to post. Roman came down with a fever last Sunday. I ended up staying home with them on Monday....then made up Monday on Wednesday. Which was actually nice, I could save my vacation day (although I get plenty, I could have used it...) But it made me realize what a great schedule I have. I've gotten used to the midweek break, that's for sure.

We brought Roman to the doctor Monday - two ear infections. He's doing better now. This is the first real fever either of them had - he hit 104 in the middle of the night and freaked us out. It put me back in the new parent seat. Reminded me of when we first brought them home and how I'd call the nurse line when Zoe was screaming. New parents. We've been lucky though.

Here's some bathtime fun.

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