Thursday, August 20, 2009


We Just took a one night trip up north. An inaugural hotel visit.
The original purpose of the trip (to visit a great great aunt to you two) was unfortunately not possible this time around, but we were able to make the most of our time, despite the non stop rain. We ate out several times, and you two certainly are fun to be around in a restaurant. I may live to eat those words...but you enjoy the hub-bub. And we get a lot of comments.
Zoe now seems to be the one flirting with everyone. Roman is more focused on the food. Give it to me, please! Zoe is now waving, somewhat haphazardly, but it is definitely a wave. As I said before she's also clapping. Quite the repertoire she's developing ! :) She had a new move at Tobie's during lunch. We'll have to talk about that separately!

Below, we were sitting next to the pool area at the hotel. Zoe and Roman had just eaten. The Grandmas Jane and Candy joined us, as well as Grandpa Jon. (again, what the hey, the gang's all here).

Here, Zoe gives her best pageant face to Grandpa Jon.

Think it's a fluke? No.

You make us laugh, little girl!

1 comment:

Jane said...

I think I have seen "that face" before on some of the people at those town hall meetings!