Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's a miracle!

Zoe grew hair!

Now if mama thought to brush it for the picture, it might look more like this.

But the Snow White 'do didn't last long. Off came the wig....from Zoe's head and on to....

Romaine? Yes, we realize you'll hate us for this later. You didn't like it much either.

Daddy? Is that you? Yes, yes it is. I'd recognize that cheesy grin® anywhere!

Zoe, she's gotta PULL that hair. Off it comes.

That's my dad!

(and that's one reason your mom loves your dad so much. He let me take a picture of him in that wig. And he KNOWS that if I've got a picture it's going on the blog).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More absolutely delightful photos!
Wigs off to Pop! :-)
Smiles, annie