Thursday, September 10, 2009

a-visiting we go

Here's our surprise-ee (Lawrida) with Zoe.

We met Lawrida with the outfits she sent back on Easter. Unfortunately
we had a wardrobe change (LOTS of those this weekend) before we took this picture.

Zoe's practicing her wave (about 4,000 times a day and I, for one, am not getting sick of it, or the little "hi" she's learned to say).

You guys are so lucky to have so many people who care about you.

And here's Lawrida, Zoe and Tyler. Tyler is Lawrida's grandson and soon to be a big brother. His sister is due to be born on your birthday (but it going to arrive sooner!!). Tyler's favorite band is Tool. He'll tell you all about them. :)What a cutie!

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