Friday, September 4, 2009

This is what Zoe will be begging to go on at the fair

We've got the feeling she's going to be the thrill seeker when it comes to the amusement park. She loves bouncing and playing supergirl (she needs an outfit to match her brother! ;) ). She doesn't scare easily. Unless of course you're a stranger who gets too close too fast. She doesn't like that.

The other night I was playing "Boo" with her. Which is exactly what it sounds like. She was on my lap, Roman was on the floor. Zoe didn't flinch when I said "BOO!". After about 3 rounds of this Mr. Roman let out a loud howl and the saddest frown. We'll have to see if Roman joins his sister on the bungee rides...

1 comment:

Jane said...

My heart stopped briefly with that bungee picture from the fair. I thought that was Zoe and little Romie! Grandma Jane