Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday afternoons

are for washing the minivan with Daddy.

We've been talking a lot lately about relationships (Grandma is my Mom, Dave is my brother, Shannon is Daddy's sister) and when people's birthdays are (for some reason). They've got it down that Mommy's is in August, Daddy's is in June ("like a June bug") and theirs is in 'tember. Your dad also figured out a way to get you to 'move along' in the store when you see a toy you like. "Add it to your birthday list". And amazingly it works. For a short time, I am sure.
This morning we saw a picture of a white cat in the paper. I was telling Zoe it looked like Kneesa. I asked her if she remember Kneesa. She say "yeah". She said Kneesa was Wicket's mommy. No, I said. Kneesa was Wicket's brother. Without missing a beat Zoe said "He likes cars". Brother. Boy. Cars. A to the B to the C.  I had to remind her not ALL boys like cars. But I guess a lot of them do, so you'll be okay with that one, Zo.


Jane said...

Does Roman say they were washing the "minvan"?

Mary said...

Yeah, that's more like it, isn't it? We were in the school section of Target and Roman said "I want the Camero". I was about to say "there's no Camero here" when I looked up at a folder that had...A Camero on the cover. He's past me on the car identification skill...

Anonymous said...

Clever! "Add it to your birthday list!" Hope it keeps working! amp

Jane said...

He corrected me the other day when Zoe & I identified one of his Hot Wheels as a "Corvette", white like grandpa's. "It's a firebird" he said. Yup. He was correct. His father's son, isn't he.