Monday, July 11, 2011

Visiting Roman's Sister

The other Roman's Sister. Once again, it had been too long. But we made it, at least for an hour or so. I took you two up to see Sister Helenette (75 years in the religious life- wow!) , sister of your great grandpa Roman. She had recently taken a fall and was less mobile than normal, but I think you two expended enough energy for the 4 of us. Crawling up the bed, behind the bed, sitting on the heater along the wall, peaking out the window, taking off your shoes (gotta get comfortable I guess), playing with the knob on the tray (good thing you didn't realize it moved up and down!) and entertaining yourself with a piece of foam. Yes, foam. This had to keep you busy for a good 15-20 minutes.

And when you decided to fight over it, I politely reminded you that it was Sister Helenette's "turn", and you obliged.

See that call button hanging off the chair? Yeah, so did Roman, and the nurse was very understanding about it.

And I was able to get this picture, with Zoe displaying the very prized possession.

It was a nice visit, if not somewhat frantic and peppered by short conver-"Zoe! Roman! Don't touch that!" Yeah.  Fun Fact: GG Roman's hair became curly after he had his appendix removed as a child. And my Dad claims his turned curly after some sort of incident at the graveyard where he worked as a teen. Trauma, kids, trauma.

It's  always kind of fun to visit because you two garner a lot of attention from anyone who sees you. It's a good way to practice your social skills, and you can actually answer the "what's your name?" and "how old are you?" questions. Although you tend to do so quietly so that no one can hear you, but I suppose that beats screaming it at someone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad she is ok and can see the visit made her smile. What wonder foam is! :-) annie