Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Choo Choo!

If I could, I'd embed a song from one of the kids' collection "Choo Choo Ch'Boogie"

A few days ago Roman was sitting on a house. A little Fisher Price play house, but a house. Dad saw this and immediately got up and went to get one of their birthday presents - a train that includes a place to sit and scoot along on it. (Thanks Great-Aunt Jannie and G.U. Gordon!)

Dad even spelled out Roman's name on the side...

Although that didn't last long, but Ro works too!

Roman did go for a little ride, but those blocks were just too darn tempting.

The blocks are magic- put them in the right slot and they tell you what they are, and a word that starts with that letter.

They also fit down a slot on the train and go down a shute to the trailer. It didn't take Roman long to figure out he could put his pacifier down that shute as well.

Mom flashed forward to all the fun discoveries Roman and Zoe would be making (like your aunt Amanda and Jared's discovery that eggs don't bounce - on the living room rug).

Really, Roman. It's true.

Zoe got in on the action too!


Jane said...

Like it says, "Train up your child"
Grandma Jane

Anonymous said...

Trains (and blocks) are good! What delightful photos of R & Z. Do hope they 'take it from Mom' that 'eggs don't bounce!' :-)
Love, annie