Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The great pumpkin '09

Time to find a pumpkin. Or two. One for each of you!
Unfortunately we've had really cold weather and rain and snow the day before we headed out to find one. Watch out for that mud!

Zoe and Roman took turns riding on daddy's shoulders. This gives Mom and anxiety attack. Dad holds Zoe's hands because when she'd down on terra firma she likes to throw herself backwards - normally when someone's holding here. A fun game. Not good when you're on Dad's shoulders. Roman doesn't do this, so dad figures he doesn't need to hold your hands. We went grocery shopping together Friday night and dad insisted on carrying Roman throughout the store this way. It made for a quick trip because my blood pressure was up several points. Okay, quick grab what we need and lets get the heck out of here.

Dad located the first pumpkin, and got it to fit between the two of you in the wagon.

The stem of the pumpkin quickly became the source of attention. Roman's got the prerequisite pacifier (that's going to be a bear to get rid of), but he wants that stem...

And Zoe too..Why?

To eat, of course, or course!
I really wonder how long this lasts. EVERYTHING must be sampled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Punkins Three! :-) annie