Saturday, November 7, 2009

To Grandmother's house we go!

(and Grandfather's house too)
[Oma and Opa as I have recently learned in my lunchtime-learning German class- although Opa makes me want to make a toast]

Our final Halloween stop: Grandma Jane and Grandpa Jon's.

Opa! and Roman. Gotta get re hydrated. The doctor tells us you two should be off the bottle by 15 months. Oh boy. Roman LOVES his bottle. We need to work on the sippy cup routine.

Oma and Zoe.
The bottle worked here though. You kind of missed you afternoon nap on Halloween. 10 minutes a couple of times in the car doesn't cut it. I was sure you'd have a melt down and I wanted to make sure you were somewhat on schedule with something. I knew you'll actually drink your bottle. Gotta have your liquids.

Zoe didn't last too long in the outfit, but Roman did a bit longer.

Instead of candy he thought he'd taste...

Panda. Mmmm plastic panda. Zoe had other ideas.

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