Sunday, September 19, 2010

Together Through Life

As I was watching you two the other day walk thru the sculpture garden with hands held the phrase "together through life" popped in my head. I didn't know where it was coming from, but a little Google searh and I'm reminded it's Bob Dylan's 2009 release. I can't tell you the significance from Mr. Dylan's perspective, but I think I was hoping you two will be close throughout your life. You have a different experience than siblings who are different ages. At least that's my hunch.

I do get a kick out of watching you interact. And sometimes it's hard not to laugh. The other day Roman took something that belonged to Zoe. I don't remember if it was just something that was "hers" (A Tinkerbell toy) or if it was something that had just been in her possession. But it was something Roman had that Zoe wanted back. So Zoe started telling Roman, in her own toddler semi decipherable way, that it was hers. It was the cominbation of tone of voice, steely glare and the repetitive nature of the conversation that almost made me bust a gut. She kept telling Roman it was hers. Zoe'th. I think maybe part of MY problem was that I find Zoe's pronunciation of "s" kind of cute. Not a total lisp, but not an accurate "s" either. And Roman wasn't giving in, nor was he getting screechy about it either. He held his ground....until she wore him down...Roman walked over and gave Zoe the disputed item. Oh, sweetie pie!! Thank you, Roman :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Together Through Life" Oh, what a fitting caption for such a precious, precious photo. It goes on the 'fridge' with the others now. hugs, annie