Tuesday, November 30, 2010


When I saw that discount tickets were going to be available for the Curious George Live show at the Target Center a few weeks ago I knew we'd be buying tickets.  I LOVED the George books when I was a kid. There was something very comforting about the illustrations. Some of them were permanently burned in my memory (bunnies in the backyard, George delivering papers on a bike, fishing with an improvised fishing pole...).  For a time I collected George stuff too.

Then came you two, and an excuse to watch the PBS cartoon. Woo hoo. It's actually good they didn't ruin "my" George, but just made him that much more lovable.

So off we went...not the best place to take pictures, but I had to try!

I think Zoe was checking out the Timberwolves logo that the people in front of us pointed out.  And these were pointed out to us by you two throughout the building after this. Wolf!

Every time I see anything live (excuse me, LIVE!) I am struck by how foreign it is to me. It's not tv. It's not film. It's live performance.  Exaggerated reality. Actually I kind of feel how you must feel when you see something new - there's so much going on I don't know where to focus my attention. It's something of a sensory overload. Hmm. Some people would say this about a well researched historical biography or a well reasoned political treatise. Apparently singing, dancing and  CHEF PISGHETTI  does it for me. (Giorgio!)

When I can get out of the initial WOW reaction, attention is focused on the child getting in and out of his seat or accidentally kicking the Grandparent type person in front of us. Or getting your Dad to retrieve the dropped sippy cup in the next row. Or feeding you pretzels one at a time to keep you docile. Or going to guest services to retrieve your blanket from the parked stroller in the final acts (because you need that blankie for goodness sake, it's nap time). Something like that.

And I wondering if I'm pushing it again. You aren't quite at optimal age for this. But I can't help myself! So guess what kiddos?  I'll continue to do more than we need to do. It just is.

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