Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pre halloween garb

Okay, kiddos. Backlogged. Here goes a marathon of posts. If I can make it...

Once again out I brought a plastic straw that belongs with the insulated cup I got at the hospital when you were born. It makes an excellent whistle, which you figured out pretty quickly, Zo.

Toot -to- da- loot-loot.
By the way, the times they are a changing fast and furiously. You guys are SINGING. :) Tonight we went out after dinner to 1) vote and 2) pick up Toy Story 3 (Dad with his coupons, gift cards and fine plans). I was carrying Zoe out the door, and as the season goes it is now dark at 7. Zoe noticed this and said "night night" then starting singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  Enough to recognize it. So I sang along with her. This, I tell you, is something that makes kissing you irresistible. I mean, how sweet?   You've always really liked the "Twinkle Twinkle"  page in the Sesame Street nursery rhyme book we have - although it's written to be Elmo specific. Close enough.

Here, a little modeling of the Halloween specific (short life wearing) Halloween shirts. I got them in the wardrobe 3 times in less than 2 weeks. Good enough. "Roman monster. Zoe ghost.".
Show me your shirt, Zo.

Good job.
And here's where we pretend I was ready to take this picture.

And another modeling stint. Belly belly belly. :)
(and some birthday slippers :)

And a little bit of Wiggle watching (Dorothy the Dinosaur had a tutu, Zoe must have a tutu). Dancing, mama? Dancing?

Or just playing with cars. That's good too.

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