Sunday, November 21, 2010

okely dokely neighborinos

After the kids, the dreaded flu bug hit your Mom and Dad. One of those where you think you're going to die. Well, I do. I can handle needles  (not your Dad!), but I can't handle nausea. Forget it.  Thankfully your Grandma Jane was able to come on over (ANGEL OF MERCY award) and take care of you while we both slept in the morning. I think it's whacked us all out of sorts. There's nothing like sickness to make you appreciate health.

Your mom's got a short work week, so we'll see if we can update the blog a bit. Despite the ice coated landscape, we did make it out today to see Curious George Live. Maybe too much excitement. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wondered about that! So glad you are better and George is still curious! Love, annie