Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who went up the hill?

Jack and Jill of course!
To fetch a pail of water? Or is that toys I see?

I'm not so sure we got any really good Halloween Roman AND Zoe pictures. These are from the day before.

 Smiling for the camera.  I see a familiar chin there Roman.

The "together" pictures illustrate the need for good hydration. A fact not lost on Jack and Jill - they WERE going up the hill to fetch a pail of water. But it's much easier to ask Mom for that nice sippy cup.

OR, as is the case with Zoe, to help yourself. Last Friday when Grandma Jane was watching you two, Zoe took an empty cup and brought it to the door of the fridge to help herself. Yes, that little button is pretty amazing - press it and water shoots out.  She did it without making a mess. Little sips. Roman saw and tried as well. Apparently he wasn't so successful - his endeavor resulted in a wardrobe change (better than a malfunction, little one). Which is funny because now when you two eat it's Zoe who makes the big old mess. Roman is pretty darn neat (except when he decides to decorate the floor with the leftovers).


Holy cow, Ra Ra. THIRSTY?!

And what Jack is complete without a crown? That one always thru me when I was little.
Jack fell down and broke his crown.

 And a mama with a crown.

 Jack fell down and broke his crown. Okay, okay. Then we'll illustrate this with a bandaid (or as Zoe says "andaid").

Apparently it didn't hurt. :)


And Zoe's enjoyed getting a little ponytail at the top of her head. Lookin' like Pebbles. Oops, wrong character.

But that would be a good duo - Pebbles and Bam Bam.

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