Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fly's in the buttermilk, shoo fly shoo

Your Dad noticed these odd little creatures out on two pine trees in the back yard. How very odd to watch them - all I could think of was ground hogs (strike that. Your dad is watching me type and correcting me. PRAIRIE DOGS. Good thing too because by this time of the day my mind no longer functions and I can't write in a coherant fashion.)

And i found yet another video software program on my computer, so voila. I added some music. And now I want a better computer so I can actually keep up with the video....yadda yadda..

At any rate, apparently these were larvae for sawfly (or the wasp family). NO good. A little chemical bath and they were gone :) And wow was I impressed with what the video looked like from my camera!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ugh but thanks for the 'nature lesson.' So glad they are gone!