Tuesday, June 7, 2011

You know, it doesn't take much

Without you, this would have been a five minute stroll. Granted, your Dad probably would have meandered the same way he did now.  That's why we're good for each other I think. We have differing ways, which makes for compromise. Or fights. But let's go with compromise. ;) And you guys make ME take my time a little bit more than I am inclined to do. I'm still basking in your curiosity. It amazes me yet.

From our nicnic table we could see this covered bridge, which was very alluring to you guys. It led to a zig zaggy path....

And a nice backdrop for a picture with your Dad. You're all looking at the camera! Score!

And those stairs, boy are those fun to climb. Or rest on.

 Or wail from.

I wanted to get a shot of you guys coming up the stairs, but Roman is fearless at climbing.

 Zoom zoom.

 And Daddy, he's so far away, way down at the bottom of those steps.

 Just waiting for you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh what a happy time to remember and the pics sure will help. annie