Friday, June 10, 2011


Yes, we got to actually go on the river up in Taylors Falls. I'm a fan of Groupon and when a deal came up for a boatride on the St Croix, I was all in. And with 2 and under free, it was quite the deal!

Since the water was so high we had to take a short walk down to a secondary landing in the neighboring State Park. It feels so much like "up north" up there and it's not even that far. I like it. And so did you.

Once we were on the boat you really couldn't sit still. So many vistas to explore.

 I attempted some family shots while we waited for the boat to go... Look there , Zo.

 Bribing you with food....probably not a good maneuver, but it does invoke momentary peace.
 The really nice thing about this was that when we went, on a Friday, there weren't that many people there. And the 20 or so others that were there all stayed on the upper deck. We spent a little time up there, but since you wanted to be mobile, we made our way to the lower deck, and had the front of the boat all to ourselves. So we made ourselves comfortable.

And some of us got a little bit tired, a little bit cranky...This was prime nap time for Miss Zoe. She does like her nap. And a little bit of hot, a little bit of tired makes for "I want my blankie...I want the van" halfway thru the trip.

But she survived, and I think had a good time.

1 comment:

Jane said...

We took Mary and brothers on that boat when you were little. Remember canoeing on the St. Croix? Three kids & parents and a cooler. Lots of stops to swim in the shallow river. "nicnics". Great fun. Grandma Jane