Friday, May 22, 2009

8 months old!

Mostly i think back to how scared we were when you guys were born. Scared about your health, yes, but mostly scared about how we were going to be able to take care of you. We are. You do what you can. You try to put forth what is most important. Time
and love. We can't imagine life without you two!

I had the camera out today, making use of my Dollar store tripod (of the table top variety, probably only worth the dollar we paid). Roman kept coming right at the camera and grabbing it. If I have time I'll make a compilation of Roman headed for the camera. Zoe doesn't move as quick, or as much, as Roman. But I've got her pretending to talk. Sunday I had her making the mama sound, well the mama mouth movement minus the words. Grandma Candy then taught you how to stick out your tongue (or did so and you picked up on it right away). Now you've combined the "mama" movement with a little sticking out of the tongue. Lovely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille."