Thursday, October 1, 2009

Let them eat CAKE, part deux

This, on their actual birthday...Good thing we had leftover cake!
We took them out to eat at Broadway pizza, where they ordered off the kid's menu. Chicken. You LOVE chicken.
Zoe figured out how to suck from the straw but didn't like the milk she got. Roman got the straw in his mouth and desperately wanted the milk, but he couldn't quite figure out the mechanics of the thing. Oh well.

Roman found cake eating time to be the perfect opportunity to show us he can also do the actions to the "oh no" phrase. Nothing like a little chocolate frosting in the hair.
This has been in Zoe's bag of tricks for eons. Well, weeks. Since we went up north in August.

Zoe didn't copy Roman, but I seemed to have captured some other pose. Looking for rain?

1 comment:

jane said...

Zoe's caption, "I can't do a thing with him".