Tuesday, December 29, 2009

dadSongs - Breezin

George Benson

Your dad and I are in Fort Myers Beach, Florida. Winter 2004. A nearby beachside restaurant's music spills over into our path. "Is that live?" your dad asks. He tells me it's "Breezin." Wonders never cease. I am amazed. Not something I expected from your dad. He was heavy into Led Zeppelin when we first met. And as you read this you might know your dad goes thru phases of obsession, so we were hearing a lot of the Zep, at least until I gave the "this is giving me a headache" look. Breezin,huh? At some point your dad explained to me that he was a big fan of Muzak- the kind of stuff that hotels pipe in as neutral, non-intrusive background music. He told me he'd crank it up when he was out on the road on "jobs", much to the chagrin of his co-workers. The mental image of that still makes me grin. Your dad, he's one of a kind - and isn't that why we fall in love with someone? I recently saw a preview for a remake of the movie Fame. There's a line in there about the side of you that you want to hide. It's your power. It's you. That hit home. What is different about you is what makes you. Don't be afraid of it Roman and Zoe. Embrace it and nurture it.

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