Thursday, December 10, 2009


I've been working on the RAIL-road, all the live-long day? Master Roman, in his blue and white striped bib overalls. As I write this I'm on a plane, probably somewhere over Michigan. I've been working on the eMAIL-road.
No turbulence now (thank God). But I think of the kids, I say a little prayer that we (my co-travelers tag along on the safety wish) make it home safe. There's just something about flying. Every time I get on a plane I?m thinking about that. About the unspeakable. Bam. It probably didn't help that your dad and I decided to start watching season 1 of the tv show Lost 1 the night before I went out of town. Plot: plane crashes on a (weird) island. Yeah, No.

At any rate when I called your dad from the airport tonight I could here you two in the background. We all got our "hi" in. Zoe hung up on me. Zoe got mad when daddy took the phone away (Buttons! Buttons dad! Those are for ME). Dad also told me that when he gave you a bath, daddy made the "Yaaay!" sound in response to something Roman did. What this was daddy couldn't recall (hey, you're getting mommy's memory disease). This normally prompts Zoe or Roman to clap. Instead Roman got the furrowed brow and started to cry. Daddy thinks it's because you associate this sound with me and were lonely for me. Maybe. It's a heartwarming/heartbreaking interpretation.

It's funny. Before I left we recorded me reading a bunch of books (15 minutes worth!). Afterward I watched it with your dad. The furrowed brow/stressed I-want-my-food/pacifier/whatever look that Roman makes definitely comes from me. I was making it while reading some of the books. Back in college my Spanish teacher laughed at me and said "your face is so animated". Huh, really? Apparently I don't wear a very good poker face. After spending 3 days training people on Records Management I can appreciate seeing an animated face in the crowd. Some things don?t elicit much in the way of non-verbal feedback. Well nodding off does?No, we didn't have any of that (this time). The liveliest group was the last one, those who probably didn't want to be there anyway. I slipped the names "Roman" and "Zoe" into our training slides as well as the protagonists in real life scenarios. Protagonists? That might be a bit highfalutin, but you two ARE our protagonists. I had to smile each time those came up.
What else? It's odd to have time. No internet connection of course. No connection to email any anything saved beyond my flash drive. Doh.

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