Sunday, December 6, 2009

Piano interlude

Mama's out of town, but I was able to half post some entries here (pictures uploaded, but no commentary). Now I have the time, the Internet connection and a bit of the motivation. Just a bit. It's so quiet in a hotel room by myself. Actually it's just kind of confusing, I'm not sure what to do. And walking back to my temporary home from work I realized I could pop into the bar for an adult beverage. But that doesn't appeal to me - it'll just make me fall asleep! (I'm not the same person I was... In most ways that is a good thing).

I enjoyed the weekend with the kids. Dad had to work a few hours on Saturday, but otherwise we got to be a happy family.
We've had a piano sitting in our living room for many years. My maternal grandmother Vivian had it in her retirement apartment. When she passed away my mom got it. Then I got it. No, I'm not really a piano player (but I'd like to be).
When I was a little girl (somewhere under 10 years old) I'd tinker with the piano that my aunt Carolyn had in her house. She lived 2 houses down, so it happened fairly frequently. Then I begged and begged and begged for a piano. (oh boy, I'm in for paybacks). We had a piano for a short time. I took a few lessons. Nothing really came of it. Then in my first stint back in college I took piano as a class. I got to the point where I could play a couple of songs (look ma, both hands!). Wow. For me, an accomplishment. I'm sure I drove everyone nuts with my practice - same thing over and over again.
Then I didn't touch a piano again for 10 years or so.
I got my grandma's piano from my mom. Not sure why, I think I was talking about getting a used piano and my mom offered grandma's piano to me. Have I touched it since? Not really.

Now, well now there are kids. Maybe they'll take an interest.

Ah, yes. Roman with Dad. Sitting at the piano. Dad knows a one-handed song or two (theme to Jaws, anyone)? Roman- he's playing the theme to Junglebook? ;)

Turn the pages. Dad joked that Roman could play jazz with him. Yes, he could. Experimental, funky jazz. "Ladies and gentlemen, I call this one 'Vanilla Gorilla'"

"...and I call this one 'You Can, Toucan'..."

Roman likes music. Maybe he'll get some of the musical aptitude that my dad's family had (although it seemed to skip him and me).

Your dad and I had talked about some remodeling projects that would essentially make the spot in the living room for the piano vanish. We'll see. I'm not so sure I want to take away that option from you two just yet.

CORRECTION: Grandma Jane set the record straight. Great Grandma Vivian had a piano just like this, but it wasn't this piano. Grandma Jane got one to match. I like my fictionalized story better (and this is how family lore starts).

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