Tuesday, January 26, 2010

dadSongs: Motherless Child

Motherless Child
Eric Clapton

Your dad is the big Clapton fan. I've learned to appreciate Mr Clapton beyond the big radio hits. Although pre-dad I did have a copy of the BB King/ Eric Clapton album Riding With the King (and it's awesome).

Some time ago, pre Ro/Zo, I had the From the Cradle album playing on my ipod. I talked to your dad about the album and he mentioned this song. I can't remember if he said it was one of his favorites on the album, but he did specifically mention it. Then he said he didn't like the title. My memory of what he said is hazy, but I recall the feeling at the time - love and caring. Your dad didn't want to even think about a "motherless" child. Hey, that means he cares. I don't know why I'm always surprised, but I guess it's moments like this that drive it home. I want to say I was pregnant with you two at the time, but I don't think that's true. He was just anticipating your existence!

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