Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jalapeno poppers next.

No excuses, kids. No excuses for not writing.
Tonight while walking to my car after work I had a chezDeux moment.

I thought of the look on Roman's face last night.
Roman and Zoe had eaten dinner. Now it was mom and dad's turn. I had made chili and didn't think it was something they'd go for.

I was wrong.

Like dogs, or like our cat Sam, these two are at our feet anytime we have food. No matter what it is, they want some. So we gave them a kidney bean. Mmmm. And some more. Roman was sitting next to me. Pretty soon he was trying to put his hand in my bowl. He was successful once. ROMAN! It was the memory of the look that made me smile today. It was "what? What am I doing wrong?". Funny in retrospect. Mama not laughing in the moment, but isn't that often the case?

1 comment:

Jane said...

what should you say when your one year old son sticks is whole hand in your chili? No Problemo! Check your cookbook if you don't get it.