Saturday, June 12, 2010

Checking in

Way, way overdue updating your blog, kids.
We've had a round of sickness for the last week (kicked off by Zoe's meltdown at a restaurant last Saturday). The kids actually got over it quick, I had it two days midweek and then Dad got strep (confirmed). Go figure.

I finally took a look a the pictures we had on our camera from last week's trip to Chicago to visit family. Huh. It seems like waiting a week to look at pictures is FOREVER. Imagine, when I was a kid we had to send the film off to get developed and didn't see it for a few days. Or more. Or less. I don't even remember anymore. I don't think we took nearly as many pictures either, so that roll of film was in that camera for awhile...
Just funny how technology makes us less...patient. We need feedback right now. I'm familiarizing myself with the concept with Facebook (many years late). I'm still not sure I'm on the page with that (although I've definitely Hokey Pokeying with it "your put your left foot in...")
Boy oh boy kids, this is why I haven't been blogging. Sleeping for nearly a day straight on Thursday made me foggy on Friday and apparently the synapses aren't yet firing quite yet.

So, back to the historical record from the camera.
The plan was to keep the kids awake until we left early Thursday. Then they could nap in the car. Zoe couldn't make it.

I suppose this could have been a sign of things to come. Trying to control, regulate or otherwise rely on sleep and the child (children!) is an improbable task.

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