Tuesday, June 15, 2010

first stop

We made a stop at your Great Aunt Barb's new digs. She, Ashley and Jake just moved in a couple of weeks ago.

Zoe, helping Barb with the camera. Poor Barb couldn't get a clear shot. Your were nicely posed, but that camera went off a second later (when you're on your way to the next thing!) I know how that goes!

Roman, working his charm on Barb and Ashley.

And try as I might, I couldn't get a shot of Ashley, Jake, Roman and Zoe. It became musical "chairs". Zoe with Ashley, Roman with Jake. No, lets get up and switch. Geesh, you'd think they'd been stuck in the car all day ;)

Jake was itty bitty when I first made the trip down with your dad. 2003? Wow. 7 years?!

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