Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Birthday daddy (+2 weeks!)

Our last day in Chicago was spend hanging out at Grandpa Mike and Pam's house. Amanda was back from her out of town game and Great Grandma Lawrida was there too!

Oh and Ozzie. We must not forget the "puppy". (and Grandpa Mike said "I know what I can get them for Christmas...." NO! NO! He was joking. Wasn't he?! Yes. Yes....)

So we visited, played with dog, watched your Uncle Jared's favorite movie when he was little (Toy Story!).....Grandpa lit some candles on Daddy's cake. Woo hoo.

Yeah, we were worried we might have to get a permit for all those candles (I'm one to talk!)...

Ah yes, this was just after Zoe went nutso. You two didn't really nap for 2 or 3 days. This is NOT good. I spent time just before this trying to get you to nap. Zoe kept asking for her blankie (in her hand) and grabbing my hand to take me somewhere. But she'd get frustrated. I tried to lay down with her in Jared and Amanda's room, but that just made it worse. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" _SO_ tired. So, so tired and little vocabulary and actions to communicate this. Oh, I felt so bad, but felt totally helpless. It's amazing how much you two have learned. And I'm amazed at how much you CAN do now. Little sponges (which means we better watch it!)

But a cuddle from Daddy helped. And a helping of cake (SUGAR!) made you forget it for awhile.

Meanwhile, Barb and Roman were admiring the outfits they'd coordinated for the day. :)

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