Saturday, April 16, 2011

Errand runners

Yeah, I'm just going to start sending you two to the store for me!

We had to run a few errands this morning. One stop was the grocery store. For the longest time I would not attempt it by myself. You're getting big enough where it's possible to let you walk along. Possible, but not ideal.  Usually there's some kind of kid cart (racecar, or at least a 2 seater). Well imagine my delight when we stopped at this Cub Foods and they had "customer in training" carts available for you two! I'd seen these before, but it's been awhile and it wasn't at a Cub. You did really well actually.  It kept me laughing throughout the store.

And imagine my surprise when we turned the corner and saw THE EASTER BUNNY!
You certainly did want to check this out.

And when you found out there were treats - well that takes the cake.

Roman even helped himself to a second one!  But there's work to be done.

Gotta stock up on the cereal while it's on special...


Mary said...

I tell ya! Sometimes I go into adventures knowing they will be. This grocery stop was a complete surprise (carts & bunny). Fun!

Mary said...

oops. I deleted this by mistake:
Grandma Jane has left a new comment on your post "Errand runners":

Life adventures with the real life Bobbsey Twins. Ever thought of a reality show? "Mike & You Plus Two". Grandma Jane