Saturday, April 23, 2011

Who knew?

We happened to be near a Lowe's this morning, and they were giving away free seedlings for Earth day. So we went to pick one up. While we were there we discovered they were having one of their free kids workshops. Bird house building. I figured you guys were too small for this, but Dad wanted to give it a whirl. That turned out to be a good idea.

You got all geared up with apron and goggles. Well the goggles worked for about 30 seconds with Roman and .25 for Zoe. "They stink!". Yes, Miss Sensitive Nose, they probably do.

You liked putting the nails in the pre-drilled holes, although that took a little more concentration.

 I was surprised at how well you actually did with a hammer. You actually hit the nail!

Maybe it was the tongue-sticking-out concentration method you employed.

This was fun! I love accidental, non-planned fun.

These photos are proof positive that I made a good move buying a new camera. The little one (i just happened to have in my purse) just doesn't cut it. Or maybe it was the caffeine produced shaky handed photog. No matter.

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