Friday, April 15, 2011

So I guess it was time to take down the Christmas trees in the yard...

Roman "helped" move the parts around for me. Good thing I hadn't found all the corresponding boxes in the mess that was the garage and shed and brought them out so that next winter we'd have a simple assembly task.  Or good thing I now know not to pull all the trees out of the ground at once and expect little ones to not touch them.

"I want to color". I wish I could transcribe what it sounds like. Cu-yer. THIS was the perfect spot for those non-washable crayons. Outside and away from surfaces I care about. 

And a time to get out the chalk. This easel sat outside all winter, and it's looking a little worse for the wear. But oh well, we picked it up for free on a walk last fall. If it makes it thru the summer I'll be happy.  A friend of mine gave me a gigantic chalk board when I first moved into our house. Real slate I think. I had mentioned to her that I always wanted to write on the chalkboard when I was in grade school. I loved it. Her work was getting rid of one and she salvaged it for me. SCORE. It's been in the basement for a long time, but one of these days it's going to get used again.

This was the nice Wednesday when we spent most of the day outside. Which meant digging out toys from last summer. Cutting the grass (as previously posted) is a fun task. For now!  Doubly fast with two.

And the house. The house. This was under our newly refashinoned covered storage area and Zoe wanted it out in the yard. I wasn't ready to do that, but she went ahead and played in it anyway. The "kitchen" sink was full of muddy water, which I didn't realize until about 20 minutes after she said "I'm going to go wash my hands" and disappeared. Yep, you washed your hands in the dirty, wintry mix of snowmelt and dirt. Oh well. When nap time came around I was able to wash up the house and bring it out in the yard.

I thought that was going to work well  until we had some "ownership" disputes.

Yeah, it's interesting for one to learn to stake their claim. As is the concept of sharing.  But we get by. Or we have time outs. Or we realize we really need a better plan for discipline. Yeah, something like that.

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