Sunday, April 10, 2011

There was a little girl who had a little curl...

Right in the middle of her forehead
When she was good, she was very, very good,
And when she was bad she was horrid.
This was a rhyme that was in a book I had as a child and for some reason as I looked at the pictures I took today, I had the first two lines running thru my head. Not the last 2, but I guess I'll take them ;)

One little boy badly needed a haircut and one little girl was brushing the hair out of her eyes, so we thought we'd take them both in at the same time. Zoe was gung ho. We didn't make an appointment and had about a 20 minute wait. That wasn't so bad, because the place we went had a little kids size table with crayons and paper, a shelf full of trucks and another shelf full of dinosaurs. And there was a lot of activity, so there was never a dull moment. Everytime another child was done Zoe asked "my turn?". Pretty soon little one. Maybe because she was anxious to get a dum dum lollipop at the end!

 At any rate, she made no fuss. Daddy was there to document the process with a video camera, mainly because we did the same for Roman a year ago. That seems like a long time ago! I think I'm understanding the declining documentation that goes with succeeding children (speaking as child #3). Been there, done that. But for you, Ms Zoe, we document the cutting of the hair.

Although your Dad and I both remarked that it was probably something we could have done at home. A little off the front, a little off the back...

But I think this worked out well. You got your dum dum, mama got some pictures. There was no crying, there was no screaming, there was no hurt feelings.

There WAS an envelope of your hair. And there was a sticker on your shirt for being such a good girl.

There WAS a little bit of waiting for your brother to get done, but this was old hat to him.

He got to babysit the stylist's Thomas. Lucky him :)

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