Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ah...no people

After our hair cut experience we went for a picnic over in the new...Huh. I'm not sure what it's called. Kind of a park, kind of not. An amphitheater? Let me back track. Maple Grove has a huge community center (of which I've never been in) overlooking a man-made lake (or the vestige of a gravel pit?). Next to it a new library, which we did check out last fall, it was very nice. And next to that library is this area for congregating. Congregatin' Stat'on. That's what I'll call it today. It's actually where we went last summer for the kids parade, only this time it wasn't teeming with people. Just us, and a few people here and there going for an afternoon walk around the drainage ditch, er, lake.
Actually, it was quite nice. I liked it. My patience for crowds has largely diminished, so this was perfect.

It SO reminds me of Colorado. This whole section of Maple Grove does for some reason. Maybe it's the newness of it all, so much like suburban Denver that your dad and I saw on during our meandering early days. Or maybe it's the style, the look that they chose. Or maybe it's the pig piles of dirt that are all around. MN mountains. When I first moved into my house none of this was up there, it actually was a gravel pit. And it's been growing and growing since. There is terrain. Is that sad? Sad that it takes earth moving equipment to make some interesting landscaping features?! I don't care. I like it.

The world is your stage kiddos. Yeah, that's an awfully easy line. But then again it reminds me of standing on the Red Rocks stage with your dad, back in the day. :)  Did I tell you about the time I recklessly bought Robert Plant/Alison Krauss tickets for a show at that very venue?  Did I tell you that before the June show we found out I was pregnant with you and that kind of put the kibosh on travelling out there to see it? Or at least we thought our time and money was best spent elsewhere? Yeah, I think it was. It is.

By the way this place does have a real name. The Town Green. Very disneyesque. I think I prefer to call it the Congregatin' Stat'on. Hillbilly Havana. The Town Spleen. Gather round the ol' spillway. Rendezvous at the runoff pond....

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