Sunday, November 29, 2009

A new table - we can eat together!

So, so exciting!
This turned my mood around.
Our house is small, which has actually worked out to be a positive for us. When the babies were little we could quickly get to the kitchen to prepare the bottles. Probably about 10 steps from their room to the kitchen. I thought of this again one morning when Zoe and Roman were both howling to get out of their crib. I can pick them both up, but it's a bit harder to get them in the highchair when I'm holding both of them. So it's nice the kitchen is 10 steps away. I can bring one howler (usually the STARVING Roman) and run back to get kid #2.

The main draw back is the lack of dining space. A little corner in the kitchen. Up until Saturday we had a little outdoor patio table as our kitchen table. Over the years we've tried lots of things, but this was the most efficient. Until Saturday's trip to Ikea - finally the perfect table for us! It's a drop leaf table that folds down to about a foot wide. Awesome.

We tested it out with a dinner of mac and cheese (and chicken and avocado and peaches for the kids...I tell you...they could eat a horse).

Roman's reaction to the table (Where's my food?).

It was pretty nice to eat together as a family.

And Roman and Zoe got to sit next to each other. Not sure if this is good or bad. They like to sample each other's dinner. Zoe was taking as much of Roman's mac n' cheese as Roman was sampling hers. Neither was getting feisty about it.

Sometime back around the twins first birthday we went out to eat pizza with Grandma Candy. We got two sippy cups with straws. We weren't sure how they'd deal with that. Roman put it in his mouth and waited. Zoe figured it out. That made Grandma Candy so proud she almost wanted to cry. So two months later (!) we picked up some sippy cups with straws. Zoe's got the hang of it, but she sometimes still tips it up to drink like a sippy cup. That doesn't work too well. But can we blame her? Those pesky parents, changing it up all the time.

The photo above illustrates why tipping a sippy cup with a straw doesn't work (for those of you who need the visual image). Out the window you can see one of the trees daddy put up for you to say "oh" to when we point it out.
"OOOOH". That's Zoe's reaction at least.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a wonderful set of pics! So were the Thanksgiving 'helpers!'
Going to send you a little poem and story about 'helping!' :-)
Love, annie
P.S. It will come via 'the snail!'