Wednesday, March 17, 2010

In Rememberance...

Today is a sad day for Daddy, as one of the fixtures of this household is no longer with us. Sam, Mommy's black cat had to go to the proverbial "Kitty Farm in the Sky" today. He was old and thin, and it was his time. Not to be forgotten, he was very, very good with Roman and Zoe and Wicket and Kneesa (our other two fixtures).

Sam, to me, is part of this house. I know, Roman and Zoe, you might barely remember him. But Mommy had Sam when I first met her, and is as much what defined your Mommy to me. I love animals and pets, and to see Mommy with Sam was one of the things I love about your Mom.

You two loved Sam too! Especially Zoe, you tried to pet him and pull his hair out. As you got older, even tried to carry Sam around like your stuffed animals. Poor Sam though. All Zoe could do to carry him was get her arms around his back legs and his tail in the air and carry him around that way (upside down!). He was a good sport through it all. Even when Mommy and Daddy tried funny things with him like dress him up as a lion (with Wicket's winter coat she shed):

Well Sam, life was good with you and to you. I will miss your purr, your wanting to bite my drawstrings on my PJ's, and your incessant begging for food. Your sleeping on our heads and pillows and your smell. May the wind be at your tail on what ever trail you find next.

Meow, my friend...


Jane said...

Oh, Sammy. I will miss you too. I remember how you kept Mary company when she was single. A house feels warmer when someone greets you at the door when you come home from work. You were there at the back door and I swear you said hello.
Grandma J

Unknown said...

That was so beautiful, brought tears to my eyes! How sad it is to loose such an important member of the family. Our pets are like our children and can never be replaced, they are truly unique. May Sam live on in your memories as all my "babies" do!

Much love to all


Anonymous said...

What a moving tribute! I know Sam had a good life with you and will be truly missed. So glad you had pictures and shared them.
