Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A tisket, a tasket

A Little Red Basket.

This red Target basket had been up high for little hands to not admire until about a week ago. It was filled with two Bullseye Dogs. Those are now safely tucked away again. Your honorary aunt Kitty (Hi Kitty!) gave you these when you were born (or maybe even before). She was able to procure them thru her dealings with the MN retail behemoth.

What I found funny was how Zoe was carrying it around like it was meant to be carried around. She just looked like a little girl. I've noticed she'll sometimes sling my purse over arm if it's sitting next to her in the shopping cart as well.

But one has to take a break from carrying around a basket and enjoy some milk.

Isn't she purty?

And the hair is coming in!

Not quite like brother Roman's wispy blondish locks (sometimes I wonder where the heck that came from and then I remember the Grandpas - blonds).

And sometimes, and that truly is just sometimes, one must share with the brother.

Extreme fighting: Toddler edition. This includes a fair amount of shrieking, screaming, and sometimes a little pushing/shoving/get outta here buster and a little crying. Ah, the fun ahead of us. It shouldn't be funny, but sometimes when one of you gets so adamant that the object of contention is yours it just seems rather humorous. So indignant. I mean where did you learn that?

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