Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Chefs' Special.

1. Find a pot of dirt.

2. Mix well (no need for fancy kitchen utensils)

3. Make use of a sous chef. They are invaluable to your success.

4. Enjoy the process. Become one with the dirt, er...terre.

5. Sample your creation.
No, no, no sous chef!

6. Chaos, our Chef is sampling as well.

7. Our sous chef leads the way toward maintaining a sanitary kitchen (never mind the paint peeling off the wall - doesn't some of the best food come from some of the "greasy spoon" locations?

8. Soon to follow, our intrepid Chef.

9. She's thinking "maybe I'm not cut out for this".
Haute cuisine, perhaps not. Mess hall? Maybe.

10. Hey this cleanup is just as much fun as the cooking...And maybe we get mud pie out of the deal.

At least we got a bath before the bath. It didn't occur to me until the next morning that they are going to be going for the dirt everytime they go outside. Oh boy. What the hey.

Some video:

1 comment:

darcie said...

oh my gosh! hilarious! this summer is going to be a BLAST for those two! and you two!
I am soo glad that you are taking the mud in is too short to worry about such things!
enjoy every moment!