Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Andy & Laura, part 2

Grandma Jane sent me some photos last night...Including some of Andy and Laura (imagine that!) I'm thinking they'll be plenty more of those - they had a photographer taking oodles of pictures. Something your dad and I neglected to do.

Grandma Candy and the flower girl.

The ringbearer!

The bride and her Dad.

The happy couple.

The mixing of the waters. Clear liquid + milky liquid= blue liquid.
Afterward Mike asked me if this was one of Andy's chemisty tricks. Um, sort of.

Zoe pointing out a PLANE! after the ceremony. By the way they walked down the aisle just fine by themselves AFTER the ceremony.

Later, Roman was making nice with Hannah, another niece of the couple.

Zoe took a seat too - for a moment there all 3 were sitting together, looking quite darling!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics! Thanks, Grandma Jane!