Sunday, August 8, 2010

Daddy's pair of Sox

Okay, kids. Time to line up.

We've finally got you in your White Sox garb. We picked these up on the way out of Chicago when we were down there (thank you Target).

No pants? Yeah, that's a Chicago tradition. Pants, schmants.

Yeah, I made that up. Totally. I hope. We were heading out to the backyard anyway, so the fewer the garments, the less we have to clean, dry or clean and dry.

Apparently there was something of interest on the ground. There's ALWAYS something of interest around for you guys. I was trying to snap a photo of you too together. Yeah, what a surprise.

But that was enough, time for Roman to go.

To the pool!
Or not. You two don't really sit in the pool like you did last year. Things to do, people to see.

Flowers to pick.

Potted plants to unearth (and water to get). I had you two busy for awhile this day....I showed you how to water the plants and you took your cup and kept on watering. This was a week or so ago and even today you were continuing to water. Or, at least, move the water around the yard :)

And someone (Zoe?!) dumped some dirt in the pool. Mischief, your name is Zoe. Ah, to be fair tonight I told Roman in the bath more than once not to pour the container of water on the floor. So he kept staring at me and dumping it in the bath, with a look that said "defiance". Then he decides to dump it on the floor. NOPE. Mama not happy. No more container. No more bath. Unhappy Roman. And I know, the "terrible twos" haven't even started, but you guys certainly are getting a sense of "mine" even though you don't define it as such verballly.

These chairs. You love these chairs, even though you still seem to get mad at them. They tend to fold up on you. As I was trying to get one to lock today I snapped a chunk of plastic off of it. Oops. But the fabric is full of "buggies", so we like to look at that.

This was the first time in awhile that you guys went in the dirt. I was a little afraid earlier in the summer that you were going to be in the dirt every time we went out. You were for awhile, but at some point it wasn't the only focus. Well, I guess now it's water or dirt. Usually not both!

Zoe, you have strange tastes. Still sampling the dirt. And lately really savoring the flavor of suncreen ("screen"). NO, Zo! She's attempted to pretend not to do it, after initially dipping her finger in the glob of sunscreen I had in the palm of my hand like it was a bowl of frosting. Now she'll at least "help" by putting some on her cheeks or nose or arms. But she's still sneaking a taste. Ew.

I don't think she's eating bugs yet.

Gold star! Looking at the camera. Aw!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quite a 'pair of Sox!' :-)

Smiles, annie