Saturday, August 14, 2010

Feels like this is all we do

and maybe that's true. It's okay.

You two are awesome about sleeping in. I don't generally have to worry about getting out of bed before 8 on the weekend. Usually 8:30 - awesome, I know! Usually you've got your sing songy voices going for awhile before you start with the "daaaaaaaad!" Since he's usually the one here in the morning, that seems to be the standard. Often I really wouldn't mind sleeping even more (yes, greedy, I know!)...This morning I started anticipating the upcoming minutes. The tugging on my pants, the "down, down, down" (read "pick me up!"). And I realized it wouldn't always be this way. Embrace the moment (especially in the morning before the day has worn you down!). So I got up with a slightly better attitude. Even though things sometime are a routine (time to make the donuts!), that doesn't mean it's boring, or dull or unbearable. Not at all.

I mean, seeing a smiling girl in the backyard - who wouldn't love that?

Sharing (!) the hose with her brother. Although I think the "smiling girl" above was right after she got her brother good with that hose.

Wearning hats (10 seconds, tops). Roman looks so old in this shot. And he looks like a late 90's rocker (to me). Truck stop chic.

I love you guys!

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