Monday, August 16, 2010

What a wonderful day

First, my schedule is adjusted this week because I need to be in for a meeting on my normal day off. So I had a 3 day weekend. Daddy had nothing that had to get done (there's always projects, including him and Pat moving the shed-that's-built-like-a- house this weekend). This morning, with all of us together and off running errands it felt like I was on vacation (except now it's bedtime and I do go back to work tomorrow - sort of. Does getting paid to volunteer count? I am lucky. Fortunate. Blessed. Lucky.)

After nap time (which consisted of 15 minutes in the car on the way home from a shopping trip) we thought we'd try out Daddy's new toy. A bicycle (aka 'cycle'). Grandma Candy found one for him this weekend. Extremely good deal and daddy's been wanting one since Grandma Candy found us bike trailers to take you with us. I don't recall getting two of these (either your Dad "hid" it, or I blocked it out), but two we have. Again, a fabulous Grandma find. (and not 10 minutes ago I discovered we have a pool for next year).

Originally I thought if we made it two blocks we'd be successful. I knew both the tires on my bike were flat and I wasn't sure if it was because it's sat for several years, or because they were no good. I didn't want to get too far from home....until we got about 3 blocks away and your Dad I decided it was a lot of fun. I've missed being on a bike. There was a couple years there where I spent a lot of my free time riding around town. I loved it. And I like it. You guys seemed to enjoy it too (although Roman put up a fight getting in).

We saw trains (that is always very exciting - unrelated story, except it demonstrates your developing ways...We were looking at pictures I had picked up today. There was one of Zoe and Barb and Jake. Zoe said Jake's name without being prompted - pretty darn good. And they said Barb's name too - several times, Barb ;)... The Roman said "train" and looked at me for verification. It took me a second but then I remembered that the picture was taken in a location about a block from a train crossing, which we pointed out every time one went by. Did he really remember that?! I'm going with yes, but I don't know how that's possible because it's been 2 months! And there was no indication in the picture that they were there.)

We ended up going along the parkway, down by the river and thru the woods. After having walked a lot of these areas this year it was nice to get on some wheels and make some good distance!

The photos I did take are from my cellphone camera. We spied some duckies floating down the creek. Nature, good.

Zoe says, "made you look!"

When we got home (about an hour later - much better than 2 blocks!) you two seemed quite content still. This is good. We celebrated with a lemonade popsicle in the backyard. You two have the run of the place, including (finally) a sandbox with some sand in it. Word of advice: sand and dessert don't really mix well.

But you got to burn it off. And much like Roman has been pushing Zoe around on the train inside the house, he also gave her a push on the car outside.

Yeah, smart girl, eh?


Jane said...

And it's a wonderful life we got a peek at on your blog today. Those bikes and "cars" are fantastic. When had seats for toddlers on the back of our bikes when our kids were young but these are much safer. Looks like kids and parents had fun. I see the blankie kept Zoe company.

Anonymous said...

Zoe looks like she is saying, "Take me to your leader" in the rickshaw shot.
You could text the kids while you peddle.